REBOL3 tracker
  0.9.12 beta
Ticket #0002092 User: anonymous


TypeWish Statusreviewed Date8-Nov-2013 17:03
Versionr3 master CategorySyntax Submitted byLadislav
PlatformAll Severityminor Prioritynormal

Summary Support ISO 8601
Description I want LOAD to be able to "understand" the examples below, and I want MOLD/ALL (maybe even MOLD) to produce them.


* no "clash" with path syntax (see #2089)
* support for ISO 8601


* do not think there are any
Example code

Assigned ton/a Fixed in- Last Update19-Feb-2014 22:38

8-Nov-2013 17:46

I'd also like to see this supported (including formats with seconds and fractional seconds).
17-Nov-2013 19:37

+1 for loading them.

-1 for MOLD creating them.

-0.5 for MOLD/ALL creating them.

One concern is what level of ISO8601 compatibility is implied/supported. I use my own FORMAT and loaders funcs to create and parse them today, which makes it clear.
19-Nov-2013 21:14

+1 For me, I don't like the molded notation right now, its not international.

I'd prefer ISO format, it would be much simpler for web and xml manipulation tools.
19-Nov-2013 21:39

I am for this, or at least using RFC3339 as the default representation of time.
17-Feb-2014 22:47

Don't support the more obscure formats of ISO8601, just the common, recommended formats that don't conflict with our other datatypes. Hyphens required in dates, colons required in times, no non-numeric time zones except the Z for UTC thing, no 2-digit years, no week dates or ordinal dates, and nothing from the standard that we don't support in the semantics of our date! or time! types. Only support negative years if our semantic model allows them.

We should also make sure TO-DATE allows the variant where a space is used instead of a T, and no Z is included, to be able to handle the most common variant. We wouldn't be able to or need to support that variant in normal LOAD syntax though. We might want TO-DATE to support some of the other semantics-compatible ISO8601 syntaxes, like skipping the hyphens for instance, but we'll see if it's worth it.
19-Feb-2014 22:38

This is a dup of #438.

Date User Field Action Change
19-Feb-2014 22:38 BrianH Comment : 0004248 Added -
17-Feb-2014 22:53 BrianH Comment : 0004241 Modified -
17-Feb-2014 22:48 BrianH Comment : 0004241 Modified -
17-Feb-2014 22:47 BrianH Comment : 0004241 Added -
19-Nov-2013 21:39 rgchris Comment : 0004195 Added -
19-Nov-2013 21:14 maxim Comment : 0004192 Added -
17-Nov-2013 19:37 Gregg Comment : 0004155 Added -
12-Nov-2013 08:54 Ladislav Status Modified submitted => reviewed
8-Nov-2013 18:08 Ladislav Description Modified -
8-Nov-2013 18:08 Ladislav Code Modified -
8-Nov-2013 17:46 abolka Comment : 0004132 Added -
8-Nov-2013 17:03 Ladislav Ticket Added -